Regulation of the Academic Advisor

Below you can find information for all the involved committees, including the Academic Advisor
The Partners hereby agree to distribute the administrative work between themselves. Each Partner shall be in charge of a certain assignment, according to prior experience and local capacities. These assignments shall be as follows, provided that they may change according to future needs that may arise, and subject to Agreement of all parties:
  • Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona: This Partner shall be responsible for the MorphoPHEN EMJM coordination; the preparation of meetings and their follow up; representation of the consortium towards external organisations (including reporting); setting up and maintaining the programme website; coordinating the management and selection of guest lecturers; coordinating relations with MorphoPHEN Associate Partners and other collaborative organization; the implementation of quality assurance (QA) measures (see article 16); coordinating measures for continuous improvement of the MorphoPHEN EMJM (including evaluation, setting up the Management Board and preparing reports on quality assurance and student performance; and coordinating the MorphoPHEN Alumni Association. UAB shall also be responsible for the organization and teaching of the Module 1 (Mouse Anatomy and Pathobiology) and the co-supervision of the student’s Master’s Degree Dissertation.
  • Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II: This Partner shall be responsible for selection of students and supervision of the Student`s Agreement, and is the lead of the Student Selection and Examination and Dissertation Committees. The Partner will be responsible for coordinating the provision of professional guidance for students. UNINA shall also be responsible for the organization and teaching of the Module 2 (Mouse Imaging) and the co-supervision of the student’s Master’s Degree Dissertation.
  • Universidade de Lisboa represented by Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária: This Partner shall be co- responsible with UAB for the promotion of the master programme. FMV-ULisboa shall also be responsible for the organization of the Master’s Degree Dissertation – Module 4 and the co-supervision of the student’s Master’s Degree Dissertation.
  • Aristotle University of Thessaloniki: This Partner shall be co-responsible with UAB for preparing the master programme Business Plan. AUTH shall also be responsible for the organization and teaching of the Module 4 (Deep Learning and Experimental Design) and the co-supervision of the student’s Master’s Degree Dissertation.The Parties hereby mandate the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona to function as Coordinating Institution of the MorphoPHEN EMJM on behalf of the Partner Institutions. To such end, the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona shall host the Programme Secretariat. Coordination and management of the programme to be led by Prof. Jesús Ruberte (Department of Animal Health and Anatomy, UAB) as Director, and Guillem Gràcia (Veterinary Faculty, UAB) as Project Manager. As such, the aforementioned mandate to the Coordinating Institution includes that by signing this Agreement a Party grants power of attorney to the Coordinating Institution to act in its name and on its account concerning the implementation of this project and for the duration of this project and within the decisions of the competent committees. The Partners also hereby designate and mandate the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona to sign bilateral Agreements with each Associated Partner on behalf of the Consortium, provided that such bilateral Agreements shall in every instance be in keeping with the provisions of this Agreement and the annexes to this Agreement, as well as any other Agreement that may be reached between the Parties regarding the MorphoPHEN EMJM. It is also agreed that all Partners will have sight of the bilateral Agreements before signature and have input to the Agreement where necessary. The Consortium shall have the Management Board (MB) is in charge of the overall management of the programme, including: student recruitment and selection; quality assurance; mobility schedules and issues (e.g. problems with examination and teaching schemes); financial management. The MB has the following minimum composition: two members of each consortium partner who are responsible for the management of the programme within their institution (1 academic, 1 administrative). Other relevant persons may be invited to assist with the meetings of the MB, upon approval by the MB. The MB meets at least twice a year: once back-to-back with the inception week and once during student and scholarship selection. The MB is assisted by specific committees, as described below:
  • The Programme Steering Committee (PSC) consists of: two academic staff members from each partner university (who preferably also represent the programme on the local education committees); two students from the programme; one alumnus; 3 representatives from associated partners, who will alternate during the programme. The PSC advises on modifications to the programme content and individual courses. The PSC checks whether the overall programme learning outcomes are covered by the learning outcomes of the individual courses. The PSC also advises on the grade conversion table, individual study programmes, thesis topics and nomination of guest lecturers. The PSC submits its advice to the partner universities and reports to the MB of the programme. The PSC meets at least three times a year and more often if required. Members attend through videoconferencing, and the PSC can also take decisions by electronic consultation (pools and e-mail).
  • The Student Selection Committee (SSC) is appointed by the MB to screen candidates for academic admissibility and select students that are eligible for ERASMUS scholarship, according to EACEA criteria.. The SSC will convene at least once a year to finalise the selection and ranking.• Examination and Dissertation Committee (EDC): local institutional examination committees are established at each partner university in accordance with the legal and institutional regulations. The joint MorphoPHEN examination and dissertation committee (EDC) is composed of at least two academic staff members from each partner university. The EDC can advise the local institutional examination committee on the success/failure of the student for individual courses organised in the respective universities, both for examination and re-examination results. The EDC officially validates the grades at the end of each academic year and decides whether the final degree and grade of merit is awarded, in consultation with local examination committees. The EDC is chaired by one person from the coordinating university. The final decision remains with the local examination committees.
  • Quality Assurance Committee (QAC): consists of one member per partner. The QAC checks if the established local quality assurance procedures are coherent with the programme and if procedures are properly implemented. The QAC has access to all pertinent quality assurance documents (surveys, student evaluations, feedback etc.) provided by the consortium partners and can ask for additional information if considered necessary. The QAC is independent from the MB and reports on a regular basis and whenever occurring issues require.
  • The Programme Secretariat (PS) is hosted at UAB and consists of a Programme manager and administrative staff. The PS will treat all administrative questions and problems and will be in charge of practical issues, such as: arrival of students; mobility arrangements; collecting the marks of students; organisation of the selection procedure; overall organisation of thesis; organisation of meetings of the managing bodies; communication; financial reporting; and report writing. The secretariat is further responsible for the design and the follow-up of the programme’s website. This secretariat will work under the guidance of the programme coordinator.
  • Local Secretariats (LS) are hosted at each of the partner universities. The LS refers students with questions to the respective departments and contact persons within the university to assist the students with housing, arrival, visa, mobility arrangements, communication on progress of the students, selection of elective courses, incorporation in the local student body, etc. The LS serve as single point of contact at each partner institution.
  • The Advisory Board (AB) has been previously selected for the consortium and is composed of three international experts external to MorphoPHEN: Prof. Horts König (representative field of mouse anatomy), Dr. Jerroll M. Ward (representative field of mouse pathology), and Prof. Vasilis Ntziachristos (representative field of imaging).