Regulation of the Complaints Mechanism

Student Complaints and Discipline

To the extent permissible by law, institutions will keep each other informed about any complaints by or about students, including allegations of harassment. Where appropriate the Partner institution will endeavor to resolve such complaints or appeals through its respective appropriate institutional procedures. If a student remains dissatisfied after the Partner Institution has dealt with a complaint, the complaint may, where appropriate, be heard by the Board of Studies of the programme.

Students will be subject to the disciplinary codes and regulations of each of the Partner Institutions in which they are studying. In the event of allegations being made against a student in relation to an incident in which more than one Partner Institution is involved, the relevant Partner Institution/s shall consult on the actions to be taken and the discipline code/procedures that shall apply.

For academic appeals relating to a teaching module the academic appeals procedure of the Partner delivering that course will apply unless another Partner notifies the Partner delivering the course that it believes that its academic appeals procedure should apply. Thereafter the MB will meet to discuss and agree a course of action.

The academic appeals procedure of the Coordinating Institution will apply to appeals made by a Student against the decisions of the EDC unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Partners.

For cases of alleged academic misconduct relating to a teaching module or modules delivered by a Partner, the code of Student conduct and procedures of the Partner delivering the course or courses will apply.

In the case of academic misconduct relating to the Programme the code of Student conduct and procedures of the Coordinating Institution will apply unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Partners.

In cases of non-academic misconduct where it is alleged that an offence has been committed by a Student whilst present at a Partner, the relevant code of Student conduct of that Partner will apply. In all other cases of non-academic misconduct of a Student, the code of Student conduct and procedures of the Coordinating Institution will apply. In case of non-academic misconduct by a member of a Partner affecting a Student of the programme, the appropriate institutional procedures of that Party will apply.

Where it is not clear to a Partner which code of Student conduct should apply, or if a Partner believes that the code of Student conduct of another Partner should apply, it shall so notify the other Partner and the Joint Management Committee will thereafter discuss and agree, acting reasonably, a course of action.

If a Student wishes to complain about any general aspect of a course the complaints or other equivalent procedure of the Partner delivering that course will apply.

If a Student wishes to complain about any general aspect of the Programme the complaints or other equivalent procedure of the Coordinating Institution will apply unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Partners.

If a Student wishes to complain about any specific service or facility provided by, or a Student or member of staff from, a Partner, the relevant complaints or other procedure of that Partner will apply.

Each Partner will, where the policy or procedure of another Partner applies, provide the other Partner with reasonable assistance in connection with the administration of academic appeals, Student complaints and Student conduct procedures, in order to ensure that all such academic appeals, Student complaints and allegations of Student misconduct are handled fairly.